Traditionally people have sought out spiritual direction from their local church/place of worship in order to deepen their relationship with their God/divine. In more recent years, as people have broken away from the churches of their youth and have started on their own unique spiritual path, they have had to seek out spiritual direction counselors and/or coaches outside of the church to help guide them on their journey or simply go at it alone.

Spiritual direction coaching is unique in that while providing spiritual guidance and helping to deepen your relationship with your God/divine, it isn’t based on any one spiritual belief and/or church. Instead when I’m working with spiritual direction clients, I base their sessions around their unique beliefs and their unique spiritual journey. I in no way try to sway or dictate the direction they take. Instead I act as a gentle guide and coach, helping them to open up more to the God/divine of their choice and to create a spiritual life and/or practice that works best for them.

My primary job as a spiritual direction coach is to help guide and support you on your unique spiritual path. The monthly sessions help my clients to reconnect with their divine and it’s often the only break they take during the month to connect in this way. It’s a sacred time to discuss any challenges you may be facing on your spiritual path and to discover ways to start incorporating your spirituality into your daily life.

Since every client and every session is different, your spiritual direction sessions will be based entirely on your specific spiritual needs and unique spiritual path.

Who would benefit from spiritual direction coaching?
Spiritual direction coaching is for anyone wanting to deepen their connection with their God/divine and would like guidance and support on their spiritual journey. I work with people from all faiths, traditions and backgrounds. Again, each spiritual direction session is unique to you and your unique spiritual path.

How would spiritual direction coaching benefit you?
Having worked with my own spiritual direction counselor monthly for over 20 years, I have cultivated a much deeper connection with my divine while also receiving invaluable guidance and support, especially during the more challenging times in my life.

Spiritual direction sessions often bring clarity and a deeper more spiritually based perspective on a situation and/or challenge, allowing you to work through it with more ease and understanding. Often times what’s happening on the surface of your life is actually a deeper underlying (and often spiritual) issue that we can connect with during these sessions.

How you can get started
Getting started working with me as your spiritual direction coach is super easy. Visit my GET STARTED page to schedule a one hour initial spiritual direction session with me. This is a no-cost session designed to help you learn more about spiritual direction coaching and what it would be like to work with me. It’s also your opportunity to ask me any questions you may have and for us to get to know one another before starting to work together.

Do you have any experience with spiritual direction coaching? Or do you have any questions about spiritual direction coaching that I didn’t address? Please feel free to share in the comments.

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